Sunday, March 29, 2009

It Looks So Cool!

The course site looks just great! It was so fun to see my words appear, as if by magic. I really like the crayon graphic on the opening page, and you configured the course menu just like I do. It really looks slick.
I like the way your pieces and mine seem to mesh so nicely. You have some great elements that I just might steal for my other courses. This just validates my idea that all teachers should do some collaborative teaching - we learn so much in the process!
I had done a slight revision of my Instructor Profile, so I switched that to the new one. I tried to modify one small thing, but it won’t let me do this. In the How This Course Works section, you have your history course number rather than our EDU number, so maybe you can modify that, since I can’t seem to make it work. We can discuss this modifying issue on Saturday. It is fine to have our discussion later in the day on Saturday – it will work just as well for me.
I spent today building my other three courses and feel pretty good about what I accomplished. I am heading up to Tulsa tomorrow for an all day seminar Tuesday titled The Best Young Adult Literature of the Decade and How to Use it in Your Classroom. I am taking it for a college credit so I will be writing a few new lesson plans to try out on my Lit. students. I’m pretty excited about the seminar, and just as excited about the trip to Tulsa and getting away from the ranch for a few days. I can use a break.
I hope to get to my last two chapter assignments later this week, and when we get those done and tweaked, we can start building the Discussion Board. I am so excited to see it all coming together on our Bb site! Thanks for your hard work in pulling all the various pieces together.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, and I hope you have a great week.

CD Builder and other stuff

Hey Suzanne!
I'm feeling better today - it's an uphill battle but I'm getting there! It was great talking with you yesterday as well - you helped me put some thoughts into perspective and reinforced some of my ideas and goals! Thanks!!

I have completed the course description so it now can be viewed online through the catalog - check it out and let me know what you think. I wanted to put methods in there but there really wasn't a place for it so I created one. Yours were very good - I couldn't have said them better so I just put your material in there! Thanks!

I have also done some work in our class portal - check that out as well - make any changes you want - I usually like to have a jazzed up opening page to get students excited about the course - if I've overdone it let me know! (It's how I "sell" my classes)

I will send you anything else as I complete it. I forgot to mention that next Saturday morning I am babysitting my granddaughter (2 yrs old) and may be a bit late calling you - My daughter is taking my grandson to a kindergarten orientation from 9:30-11:30. Can I call you at 12 instead of 11? It would be a bit difficult with Gwen here at 11.

I'll be back soon! Take care!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

Hi Lynn,
As always, it was great to talk with you this morning. I truly hope this illness subsides soon and that you get feeling better. Just think, if you eventually decide to leave the high school and teach online full time, you won't be exposed to those germy students any longer! ;) I was never so sick as I was for the first six months of working in the early childhood environment - and to add insult to injury, there was a probational waiting period before my health insurance benefits kicked in. It's a wonder I lived through it!
Below you will find the slightly revised Preliminary Syllabus, a Methods and Materials blurb (which contains the verbiage about the structure of the week, discussed this morning), my General Instructions I use for all of my classes (most useful for brand-new students).
As always, revise to your heart's content!
Take care,

Methods and Materials
Weekly reading assignments from the textbooks and outside reading assignments; Weekly questions to be answered on the Discussion Board (DB), which are reflective of your reading; responses to posts on the Discussion Board.
Course Structure:
For the purpose of this course, our week begins on Tuesday, when the Discussion Board for the week opens. Your post in which you respond to the question(s) is due by midnight on Friday. Your responses to your peers’ posts are due by midnight on Sunday. If you meet these deadlines, you may continue discussion throughout Monday and earn credit for them.
Early Education Curriculum, 4th ed., by Hilda L. Jackman, ISBN 1428322523
(Note: You must use this ISBN because it denotes a bundled set of materials you will need for this course.)

The format for this class will be as follows:
Important: It is your responsibility to read every post in every Discussion Board.
You will begin each week’s lesson by reading the assigned pages in the textbook, as well as any additional assigned readings. Part of the grading process depends on how you synthesize the readings into your discussion board posts. After reading the assignments, you will compose an essay in response to the Discussion Board Instructions. There will be a separate Discussion Board set up for each week and you will submit all posts to that board. From the menu at the left, click on “Discussion Board.” Scroll to the DB for the current week. Open the DB by clicking on the underlined title. Click “Add a Thread,” and compose your answer in the dialog box. Initial weekly posts should be at least 300 words in length and will be labeled “Chapter __.” Responses to fellow students will be labeled “Response to (student’s name.). Note: All Discussion Board posts and replies must be proofread and spell checked prior to submission.
The Discussion Board will open on Tuesday, and your initial responses to the discussion question will be due by midnight on Friday. Responses to your peers’ posts will be due by midnight on Sunday. Responses to assigned readings must be submitted by Friday at midnight in order to receive credit for the posting. It is your responsibility to read everyone’s posts. This is a critical element of online learning and will require careful time scheduling.
The second part of the week’s assignment will be to respond to other students’ posts. These must be posted by midnight on Sunday. Again, it is your responsibility to read these posts as well. Of course it is fine for you to use the syllabus to see what the next week’s assignment will be, but please do not submit posts in advance of the opening date for each week’s discussion board. The discussion board is your virtual classroom, and it doesn’t make sense for you to speak to an empty room. It is also important to remember that may be changes to the syllabus, or additional outside reading or research that should be reflected in your weekly posts.

I hope these general guidelines are helpful to you. Let us know if you need clarification on anything throughout the semester.

Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
Preliminary Syllabus
(Note: This syllabus is subject to change prior to the first class. Please see the Discussion Board Instructions for changes.)
The structure of this course will include weekly reading assignments in the textbook and from other sources, weekly submission of homework assignments to the discussion board, and substantial participation in asynchronous discussion on the discussion board every week. Grading will be judged based on quality of your submissions, depth of your contributions to discussions, and evidence of critical thinking as you relate what you are learning to what you know, and how you will use what you are learning.
In this course, learners develop an understanding of the philosophical principles, societal expectations, and practical demands of building curriculum for early childhood education. Emphasis is on developing a child-centered, integrated, and developmentally appropriate curriculum for the early years from infancy to age 8. A variety of curricular approaches will be modeled and assessed.
Topics covered in this course include Started the Process; Creating Curriculum; Language and Literacy; Literature; Math; Science; Social Studies; Art; Sensory Centers; Music and Movement; Puppets; Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics.
Activities and projects shared in this course will include (but are not limited to) essays in response to significant issues in curriculum development; substantial participation in discussions; development of lesson plans and activities related to learning domains, as well as activities for helping students bridge the gaps between learning domains; strategies for making curriculum accessible to diverse classroom populations, including students with different learning styles and special needs; the development, over the course of the semester, of a curriculum for use with a particular age group.

Preliminary Syllabus:

May 26: Chapter 1 – Starting the Process
Reading Assignment: Pg. 2-35
Submission of an introductory essay and your response to the discussion board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 2: Chapter 2 – Creating Curriculum
Reading Assignment: Pg. 36-84
Submission of your response to your choice of several discussion board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 9: Chapter 3 – Language and Literacy
Reading Assignment: Pg. 86-116
Development of a language activity for a chosen grade level; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 16: Chapter 4 – Literature
Reading Assignment: Pg. 117-154
Creation of an annotated bibliography for a selected grade level; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 23: Chapter 5 – Math
Reading Assignment: Pg. 155-184
Development of a math activity for young children; Parent involvement activity; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 30: Chapter 6 – Science
Reading Assignment: Pg. 185-213
Development of a science activity for young children; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 7: Chapter 7 – Social Studies
Reading Assignment: Pg. 214-238
Development of a family survey, which will be used in creating a social studies lesson for young children; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 14: Chapter 8 – Art
Reading Assignment: Pg. 239-268
Development of an age appropriate art activity for young children; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 21: Chapter 9 – Sensory Centers
Reading Assignment: Pg. 269-298
Development of a multi-cultural cooking activity to be used with young children; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 28: Chapter 10 – Music and Movement
Reading Assignment: Pg. 299-324
Development of a music and movement activity to be used with young children; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 4: Chapter 11 – Puppets
Reading Assignment: Pg. 325-349
Development of an activity in which puppets play an important role; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 11: Chapter 12 – Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics
Reading Assignment: Pg. 350-401
Development of an activity for the dramatic play area of the classroom; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 17: Presentation of finals, including Culmination Essays

Friday, March 27, 2009

I've never used the BB tutorial - I'll definitely check it out! It's a consideration!! I've been sick this week - missed school in fact. I haven't done too much with our class I'm afraid but we'll see how today goes. I'm going back to school today - we'll see. We had 112 kids and 32 teachers out this week - something awful going through the school!! High fever, ache all over feeling and now I have a cold from hell with sinus headache and running eyes and nose. But my fever finally broke so I'll take my cold and go to school today. :)

Did you get the email from John about team teaching Fostering Creative Learning? I've taught it and have my curriculum I can share with you if you'd like to see it before responding. Talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One More Idea:

I forgot to mention in my earlier post that I have started using the Blackboard Tutorial with students, with good results. I use this wording:
Blackboard Tutorial: In the menu on the left, click on Blackboard Tutorial and watch the ten-minute lesson. Even if you have been using Bb for a while, there are some good tips in this tutorial, so I want everyone to watch it. There will be a Blackboard Tutorial thread in this week’s discussion board. Post an idea you learned by watching the tutorial.
Maybe we could use this during the first few weeks to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Just a thought.

Today's thoughts...

Hello Lynn,
I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, but I have to admit I too have been a bit under the weather myself. I actually made myself take yesterday entirely away from Blackboard, although I certainly had work to do. I had been working every day for weeks and really needed a break. I had thought to take today off too, but wanted to attend to working on this course. Somehow, this seemed like a leisurely activity.
I agree completely with your idea of assigning elements of the final throughout the semester, and having revised versions stand as part of the final. Actually, this meshes nicely with ideas I learned in the Teaching with Writing course I took earlier in this semester; students should be required to do some revising throughout the semester as a way if improving their overall writing skills. I like the idea of using the rubric for the final product.
I am certainly interested in co-teaching with you again in the fall. If you are interested in doing this, let me know and then we can contact John. Since you have a curriculum for that course, it will likely take a lot less time to develop and tweak it for our purposes. Is the text book you used current enough to use again?
I have put together a draft of the syllabus for the course description. I have added very brief descriptions of the chapters we have left to plan, and please feel free to make changes to any wording I have used. I think it will give prospective students a good idea of the overall activities, as well as an inkling of what the final will be like.
I have added the outline of my ideas for the social studies and art chapters. I want to flesh them out a bit, but wanted to share my initial ideas with you. Hopefully I will have time during the next few days to work on the other two chapters. Please feel completely free to share any ideas or feedback on anything I have submitted. We might want to look for ways to connect these various assignments, similar to what I have done with the social studies assignment, and I am open to your ideas.
I hope you get some rest and feel better soon. If at any time you need a break from this process, just let me know. We can’t burn out before we even begin the class!

Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
Preliminary Syllabus
(Note: This syllabus is subject to change prior to the first class. Please see the Discussion Board Instructions for changes.)
The structure of this course will include weekly reading assignments in the text book and from other sources, weekly submission of homework assignments to the discussion board, and substantial participation in asynchronous discussion on the discussion board every week. Grading will be judged based on quality of your submissions, depth of your contributions to discussions, and evidence of critical thinking as you relate what you are learning to what you know, and how you will use what you are learning.
In this course, learners develop an understanding of the philosophical principles, societal expectations, and practical demands of building curriculum for early childhood education. Emphasis is on developing a child-centered, integrated, and developmentally appropriate curriculum for the early years from infancy to age 8. A variety of curricular approaches will be modeled and assessed.
Topics covered in this course include Started the Process; Creating Curriculum; Language and Literacy; Literature; Math; Science; Social Studies; Art; Sensory Centers; Music and Movement; Puppets; Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics.
Activities and projects shared in this course will include (but are not limited to) essays in response to significant issues in curriculum development; substantial participation in discussions; development of lesson plans and activities related to learning domains, as well as activities for helping students bridge the gaps between learning domains; strategies for making curriculum accessible to diverse classroom populations, including students with different learning styles and special needs; the development, over the course of the semester, of a curriculum for use with a particular age group.

May 26: Chapter 1 – Starting the Process
Reading Assignment: Pg. 2-35
Submission of an introductory essay and your response to the discussion board questions, substantial participation in the discussion.

June 2: Chapter 2 – Creating Curriculum
Reading Assignment: Pg. 36-84
Submission of your response to your choice of several discussion board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 9: Chapter 3 – Language and Literacy
Reading Assignment: Pg. 86-116
Development of a language activity for a chosen grade level, submission of your response to the Discussion Board, substantial participation in the discussion.

June 16: Chapter 4 – Literature
Reading Assignment: Pg. 117-154
Creation of an annotated bibliography for a selected grade level. Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 23: Chapter 5 – Math
Reading Assignment: Pg. 155-184
Development of a math activity for young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; Parent involvement activity; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

June 30: Chapter 6 – Science
Reading Assignment: Pg. 185-213
Development of a science activity for young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 7: Chapter 7 – Social Studies
Reading Assignment: Pg. 214-238
Development of a family survey, which will be used in creating a social studies lesson for young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 14: Chapter 8 – Art
Reading Assignment: Pg. 239-268
Development of an age appropriate art activity for young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 21: Chapter 9 – Sensory Centers
Reading Assignment: Pg. 269-298
Development of a multi-cultural cooking activity to be used with young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

July 28: Chapter 10 – Music and Movement
Reading Assignment: Pg. 299-324
Development of a music and movement activity to be used with young children; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 4: Chapter 11 – Puppets
Reading Assignment: Pg. 325-349
Development of an activity in which puppets play an important role; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 11: Chapter 12 – Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics
Reading Assignment: Pg. 350-401
Development of an activity for the Dramatic play area of the classroom; Submission of your response to the Discussion Board questions; substantial participation in the discussion is required.

August 17: Presentation of finals, including Culmination Essays

(Lynn, What follows could be used for our narrative evaluations. I have no idea how other teachers approach this task, but I compile a paragraph of general topics covered, a paragraph of activities and projects, and than add a paragraph about the individual student’s progress and contributions. As always, feel free to make changes to this.)

Narrative Evaluation
In this course, learners develop an understanding of the philosophical principles, societal expectations, and practical demands of building curriculum for early childhood education. Emphasis is on developing a child-centered, integrated, and developmentally appropriate curriculum for the early years from infancy to age 8. A variety of curricular approaches will be modeled and assessed.
Topics covered in this course include Started the Process; Creating Curriculum; Language and Literacy; Literature; Math; Science; Social Studies; Art; Sensory Centers; Music and Movement; Puppets; Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics.
Activities and projects shared in this course will include (but are not limited to) essays in response to significant issues in curriculum development; substantial participation in discussions; development of lesson plans and activities related to learning domains, as well as activities for helping students bridge the gaps between learning domains; strategies for making curriculum accessible to diverse classroom populations, including students with different learning styles and special needs; the develop, over the course of the semester, a curriculum for use with a particular grade level.

Assignments for Chapters 7 & 8
July 7:
Chapter 7 – Social Studies
Reading Assignment: Pg. 214-238

Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
After reading the chapter (and other related resources, to be announced)
1. Using information gleaned from your reading, create a family survey to be used to gather information from the families in your classroom. The goal is to gain an understanding of the family culture and genealogical information that might be used to ensure that these elements are addressed in your classroom activities.
2. Using the information from these surveys, as well as the tenets outlined on page 218, create a lesson plan for a particular grade level geared toward helping children understand their role in their family, classroom, community and greater circles of culture. Include the following elements in your plan:
• Identify cultural elements that your lesson addresses
• Identify at least one guest visitor who will help you with this lesson
• Identify at least 3 age-appropriate books to be used in this lesson. Give a brief annotation and your reason for including them in this lesson
• Include at least one idea for each learning center in your classroom that will support and/or expand your lesson

By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

July 14: Chapter 8 – Art
Reading Assignment: Pg. 239-268
Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
Compose a philosophy statement in which you outline what will be the framework for art education in your classroom. Include at least three ideas from the reading assignment and cite them within your statement.
Choose one of the learning domains already studied this semester and create an art activity to support and expand it. How will you incorporate the activity into the lesson? How does your lesson expand and support the other lessons?

By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hi Suzanne!
I got home late last night and didn't get on to check your blog until this morning and I am rushed so this will be short. However, here's a thought - if we are going to have them provide "pieces" of their curriculum throughout the semester we will be able to provide feedback as they are submitted so that it could be counted as a rough draft and then by the time they consolidate all their material at the end in their final curriculum it should be in final draft form with feedback and changes done at that point - it might help to hold them accountable in the end for the final project and we can go lighter on the grading of each individual piece throughout the semester - does this make sense to you? I'm not sure I am explaining it correctly. In other words use the rubric or some other rubric - whatever we decide upon - for the final project only - it's a compromise.

I agree - I think we are talking about two syllabi at this point and need an abbreviated one for the course description and a more detailed one for us. If you can put one together that would be great! I won't have the opportunity to work on one until at least Friday - this is a busy week at school and I think I'm coming down with something on top of everything else! UGH!! Like I've got time to be sick! Right! Three people in my work pod are out with pnemonia and I hope to God I'm not going in that direction!! However, that's not an excuse - it doesn't stop me from working but I don't focus well when I don't feel good so my creative juices are not so creative that's all. If you do the abbreviated syllabus I can put it in the CD builder with the course description.

I'll check the blog again tonight - I have another late night - I may not get back to the blog until morning - I have to close my classes tonight for the week too. Talk to you soon!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Musings on your Musings...

Thanks for your quick reply. I am grateful for the inclusion of the writing rubric to your email. It is very logically laid out and I think it is simple enough for me to keep it in my head as I am grading. I especially like the idea of holding them to some accountability for the final project. Maybe they could submit it to e-Tutor or work in small groups to revise some elements of it prior to submission. I am going to spend some time with your excellent rubric and wonder what my English Comp. students would think about it. I suspect they would really like the concrete way it explains the abstract concept of good writing!
As for the syllabus to attach to the course description…I guess we have two different syllabi in mind at this point, one detailed and one simplified. I can work on the simplified version tomorrow and post it to Blogger for you to look at. I can refer to the final curriculum as “the development of a curriculum project, which will incorporate elements explored throughout the semester…” or something like that. We could call it the Preliminary Syllabus for the course. I also think we need the detailed version. Like you, I need to see it all in one place. I am a very visually-oriented person and can’t really function if I can’t visualize the big picture.
Thanks for responding to the peers’/peer’s question, because it made me go check it out again. My dear grandmother was a high school English teacher here in the local school for many, many years. My father has her old Grammar Handbook, so I looked it up in there. That book agrees with my Handbook that peers’ is the correct form in this case. I love when I can connect to my grandmother’s teaching experience. I wish she were here today to see how I teach English Comp. online - I’m sure it would blow her mind!
I thank you for access to your great web links, and I agree with you that the final curriculum should have a bibliography for each section.
I’ll post some more stuff soon, starting with a draft of that simplified syllabus.
PS: Don't forget to go outside and "play" at some point today!


I was just reading over John's email about building the course description and he states we should include a syllabus. We don't have that done yet - should we wait and get the syllabus done this week? If we simplify it as discussed we'd just need to put in the weeks and readings. However, students should have some idea of expectations of a final curriculum as well and we haven't even started developing the protocol for that yet - so I guess I need your feedback on this before I post the course description.
Hey Suzanne,
I can attempt to post the course description - I need to learn how to do it anyway. The CD builder and I have had some spats in the past - this will be good for me to do - so I'll get the CD going!

I totally agree with you on the idea of having students develop a bibliography of books and other sources used for their curriculum. They should have them and know how to create one anyway - it will help them to start with some excellent resources!! As for my links page I would put it under documents and let the students know where it is so they can access it at anytime. They can also copy and paste it and put it in their own curriculum - at least the sites they used and like. That's what it's for - it's public knowledge in the class and everyone has access to it. Let's build the bibliography into our lessons - I'll look at it and make some changes to the activities - but it can be something we copy and paste to each weekly assignment. I would say as part of their final curriculum - it should contain a bibliography for each part/stage of the curriculum. What do you think? Anything I put in BB you can have - I share everything - don't even ask - just take them and use them!

I agree with you wholeheartedly on the writing - I also urge my students to take a writing course for my classes. I have developed a writing rubric and grade using it. I will send it as an attachment in an email for you to look at. I expect college level writing and get upset when I see 9th grade writing on a college paper.

I just took those opening paragraphs from the book - forgot to cite them - my bad!! I'll go in and fix that asap!! We can certainly generalize the syllabus - I'm fine with that. But it helps me to have the assignments all on one page like that so I only have to open one document to find stuff. So I might do this for my own purposes but we can certainly just put in week 1 and the readings, etc. I'm fine with that.

I don't know Eric Erwin. We can certainly grade for content but if these students are writing a curriculum for a final project I would use the writing rubric and deduct for spelling and mechanics issues that detract from the reading - these are future teachers and we should hold them to the same standards they hold their own students. Peer's, peers' - I'm a social studies teacher and don't know which one to use!! You choose and I'll go with it! :))

I think I've responded to your questions - thanks for taking the time to read through all my stuff! I was working like a house afire this morning but have run out of energy this afternoon! I will do the cd builder and cite the text for the paragraphs. I'll check the blog daily and we'll continue to get this great class written and provide our students with some quality lessons!! I really look forward to teaching this class with you! You have some great ideas - thank you for sharing them with me - I plan on using many of them in my other classes too! Talk to you soon! Lynn

Feedback on your Amazing Contributions!

Hi Lynn,
Wow! You weren’t kidding when you said that once you get going, you go full-bore! I am so impressed by the sheer volume of information you have assembled here. Where to begin...
First, I have read over the course description section and think it is excellent. I think we should submit that immediately, as I agree with you that it would be cool to have this course fill quickly. Do you want to post that or do you want me to give it a try? As I mentioned, I have not posted elements to the course description section, so you are likely faster at this than I will be.
I love your assignments for math and science! They are so interesting and will elicit critical thinking – always a good thing. As a mathphobic person, I would enjoy these assignments and would feel more comfortable with the idea of creating math lessons for my classroom. I also love this statement from the science assignment: Develop a problem solving activity that teaches the students a process of scientific inquiry that they can adapt to science learning year after year. Share in the forum. There should be a simple 5 step process of inquiry that they can use each and every time. Such a great way to introduce the “scientific method,” even to very young children.
I have an idea that I would like for you to consider. The tenets of high quality literacy education advocate for integrating relevant literacy throughout the curriculum, so perhaps we could ask student to include a few relevant and related books from various genres into each of their initial posts. These books could be chosen to expand the concepts explored in their lesson plans, and/or could be included in their letters to parents about the lessons and used for further exploration at home. Just a thought.
I love the web links for each chapter! I really need to spend some time creating lists for my literature course. Will we place those in one area under a menu heading, or attach them to each week’s discussion board – or both? And may I borrow from these excellent lists for my own courses?
Your course syllabus introduction paragraphs are great. I think they will give a student a good overview of what to expect in the course. In the past, my posted syllabi have been rather minimal, usually only giving the title of the chapter for each week, the assigned pages and any other outside reading, and maybe a brief mention of the assignment – something like “create an annotated bibliography of three books.” I have done this because I have such detailed information in the discussion board instructions for each week, and I may want to switch things around along the way. I only mention this because I have had students print the syllabus early in the semester and try to follow it, only to discover that I have changed the assignment. Now, I keep the syllabus quite general so they have to read the discussion board instructions for more information. What are your thoughts on this?
I am wondering about grading as it pertains to the quality of writing used a student’s posts. I had a great conversation with my dear friend Eric Erwin, who teaches education and psychology courses in Newport. Do you know Eric? He and I worked together for years at the Family, Infant, and Toddler Program, which was under his Early Childhood Ed. Program until recently. When I began teaching for CCV, I asked him if he graded for spelling, grammar, usage, etc., in his courses and he said that he did not, since students often hadn’t taken a writing course prior to enrolling in his courses. (By the way, I am a big fan of requiring students to take writing courses early in their college career, so that they are better able to communicate efficiently and succinctly with peers and instructors. Rarely does that happen, however, and students report that they put off writing courses until the later because of anxiety about their writing skills, but that is a topic for another day…) What are your thoughts on this issue? Will we deduct for ill-written submissions, or is the content what is important? I really need to process this dilemma with other instructors and I value your opinion.
Speaking of grammatical usage, here’s one for us to consider: I use this sentence repeated throughout my courses: By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peers' posts in a substantial way. According to my Grammar Handbook, I believe the word peer’s should be peers’, since it is a plural possessive. Do you agree with this, or am I interpreting the "rule" incorrectly? Teaching English Composition has only validated my suspicion the English language is fraught with land mines!
I am behind on my weekly interaction with my students, so I will spend the rest of today getting caught up. I will try to build some chapter assignments on Tuesday and Wednesday and will post them to Blogger as I finish each. I thank you for all the hard work you have put into this effort. This is going to be a dynamite class!

Sunday March 22

Hi Suzanne!
Hope you're having a great weekend! I really enjoyed our discussion yesterday and woke up this morning with a whole bunch of ideas so decided to write them all down. I will include everything I've done here so you can peruse them, make suggestions, changes or just feedback - these are simply ideas and do not need to be used. I am not wedded to any of them!!

Okay first: I started a syllabus to put everything on one page for consistency - here's what I've got thus far:

EDU 2045 Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
Course Syllabus Introduction

The text is divided into two parts. Part One, “Creating the Environment That Supports Curriculum and Connects Children,” presents the elements of the foundation of early education curriculum. Chapter 1, “Starting the Process,” presents early childhood historical information, learning and developmental theories of early childhood education; strategies for organizing instruction, with emphasis on developmentally, individually, culturally, and creatively appropriate practices; the importance of play in the lives of children; the planning process; ways to include diverse ages, groupings, and individual differences; and communication with parents. Chapter 2, “Creating Curriculum,” offers examples of curriculum models and programs; explains the process of curriculum development, including multicultural, anti-bias, and special needs considerations; presents developmentally appropriate early learning environments , indoor and outdoor; develops concepts and skills, themes, specific lesson and activity plans, guidance guidelines and a plan of observation, assessment and evaluation based on different ages and individual differences.

Part Two, “Discovering and Expanding the Early Education Curriculum,” explores each curriculum area in depth, taking into consideration the individual child, group of children, process of setting up appropriate environments, special subject content, and integration of all curriculua. Each chapter presents developmentally appropriate activities for each age group and encourages self-esteem and creativity development.

With this in mind, we have developed the syllabus to direct part one first – feel free to inquire about any material not mentioned in these chapters in the forum. The rest of the chapters deal with content specific material and we may change these around as we feel it is needed. Therefore, the following is a tentative syllabus in the order of the content. However, all of the following topics will be discussed but not necessarily in this order.

Course Syllabus

Week 1: May 26-June 1: Chapter 1 and Introductions. Starting the Process
Reading Assignments: Pgs. 2-33
Discussion Board by midnight Friday:
After reading the assignment, complete the following:
1. Introduce yourself and tell us why you are taking this course. Have you already taken Early Childhood Education? What are three things you expect to get out of this course? How can you best accomplish that goal? List a few things that work well for you.
2. If you are going to explain what you do in a classroom to families, colleagues, and administrators, then you need to have knowledge about the contributions of early childhood education history and theorists to the profession. In the discussion forum, discuss how this information gives you deep roots (the confidence that what you know is based on hundreds of years of experience and research) and also the ability to fly (the knowledge that what you do is best practices for young children).
(I have added some great links that you may also go to for assistance with Chapter 1 materials).
3. “A child’s foundation for behavior and learning for the rest of his or her life is laid
in the early years.”
What is the implication for an early childhood educator in this statement?
4. Children need “a predictable schedule and secure environment.”
Why? If creativity involves spontaneous and free expression, isn’t this a
contradiction? Why or why not?
5. Professional early childhood education organizations emphasize advocacy on behalf
of children to all individuals working in this field. Considering the current level of support and funding given to early childhood education, why is your participation as an advocate crucial? Is it useful for all people in the field to join professional organizations? Why or why not?

This assignment is relevant to Essential Objective #1: Discuss the historical influences and evolution of early childhood education as it connects to curriculum development, theories, and practices.

By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points.

Week 2: June 2-8: Chapter 2 Creating Curriculum
Reading Assignment: Pgs. 36-82
Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
After reading the assignment respond to two the following:
1. If curriculum is inclusive, integrated, emergent, child-centered, and child-directed, then what is your responsibility in planning curriculum? Explain your answer in a written format.
2. Observe a preschool, kindergarten, or primary-level classroom. Describe evidence of inclusive, integrated, or emergent curriculum approaches. If you did not find
evidence of these curricular approaches, can you explain why?
3. In a short paragraph, summarize the history and background of each curriculum
model you were introduced to in your textbook, including identifying significant individuals who were involved in the creation of the model. Can you identify some similarities and differences as you compare them? If you had a choice, which curriculum model would you choose to implement in your own classroom, and why?
4. Do a Web Search by typing in “Help for Parents.”
Find information that you could share with the families of the children in your care. Describe, in writing, why you selected this particular Web site(s). How could your choice(s) be helpful to families and ultimately to children?

This assignments is relevant to Essential Objective # 2: Describe key concepts (goals, objectives, articulation, etc.), data sources (society, subject matter, state and national guidelines, etc.) and specific models of curricular development, along with their rationales and limitations.

By midnight Sunday: respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points.

The following weeks will concentrate on content specific criteria. All lesson plans or activities developed by you, the students, will end up in a folder in documents so that you can share the various activities and lessons. They will enhance your own curriculum and provide additional suggestions, strategies and skills that will benefit all children.

Week 3: June 9-15: Chapter 3 Language and Literacy
Reading Assignment: Pgs. 86-116
Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
After reading the assignment, plan and create a language activity for young children. Specify which age group this activity is planned for: infants, toddlers, preschoolers, or primary-age children. Use the Activity Plan Worksheet format found on page 77. Be sure to address all of these elements in your plan:

• Children’s age group:
• Number of children in the group (large group, small group, or individual activity):
• Learning center to be used:
• Name of activity and brief description:
• Purpose/objectives of activity:
• Space and materials needed:
• Procedure:
• Guidance:
• Evaluation and follow-up:

Write a letter to parents explaining your activity and inviting them to participate. Give them at least two ideas for expanding this activity at home.

This assignment is relevant to Essential Objective #3: Design a curriculum based on theories and research in child development that is inclusive and based on children's interests, strengths, and needs (e.g., learning style modalities, multiple intelligences, exceptionalities, learning domains, etc.) that incorporates the Vermont Early Childhood Learning Standards.

(Note: I will also link this assignment to the VELS, but ran out of time to accomplish that task this week.)

By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial post potentially worth 10 points

Week 4: June 16-22: Chapter 4 Literature
Reading Assignment: Pgs. 117-154
Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
After reading the chapter, create and annotated bibliography to post to the discussion board. Select an age group and an age- appropriate theme. Select at least three books related to the topic, but from different genres. Use this format for your post:
• Age group:
• Theme:
• Book author, book title, book illustrator, (date of publication), place of publication, publisher.
• In your own words, provide an annotation for each book.
(This assignment is more fun if you use your creativity; add interesting and colorful fonts, and insert book covers and illustrations.)

Write a paragraph for a weekly newsletter to parents in which you tell them about this theme and suggest a related activity to do at home.

By midnight on Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points

Weekly Journals:
(I have my comp. students keep a weekly journal – at least 3 entries weekly, of at least 100 words each. I have found this to be a very valuable device for processing ideas.)
Using the Reflections for Growing Teachers section of the pamphlet, students will keep a weekly journal for processing the ideas and concepts learned in this course. Among the questions found there are the following:
• I think I need to know more about:
• One new thing I think I will try this week is:
• The highlight of this week was:
• One area where my teaching is changing is:
• One area where my teaching needs to change is:
• I loved my job this week when:
• I hated my job this week when:
• The funniest thing I heard a child say this week was:
• The family member I feel most comfortable with is:
• And I think the reason for that is:
• The family member I feel least comfortable with is:
• And I think the reason for that is:
• What have I done lately to spark the children’s imagination and creativity?
• One quote that I like to keep in mind is:
• My teaching style has been most influenced by:
• If I were going to advise a new teacher, the most helpful piece of advice would be:
• The child who has helped me learn the most is________I learned:
• The best thing I learned by observing is:

This activity is relevant to the Essential Objective #6: Assess the effectiveness of a curriculum and make appropriate changes to increase learning (e.g., using an ongoing cycle of observation, reflection, and response).

Week 5 June 23-29: Chapter 5 Math
Reading Assignment: Pgs.155-183
Discussion Board by Midnight Friday:
After reading the assignment, plan and create a math activity for young children. Some suggestions could include:

• Make a lotto or folder game appropriate for three-year olds. Play this game with one or two children. Evaluate the activity. What should be changed? What should stay the same? Share this teacher-made game in the forum.
• Develop a set of goals for learning for three year olds. What do you want them to learn and be able to do after a specific period of time? Develop an essential question that directs the learning towards your goals. Develop a list of activities that lead up to your final goal illustrating how each math activity builds upon the one before. (math skills must be learned in stages over time, as with all growth and development in young children – hence this curriculum activity.)
• Develop criteria for the selection of developmentally appropriate math activities for the particular age group you work with. Create a list of materials and supplies necessary to set up a math center, including the cost of equipment.
• Create a book that contains counting finger plays and songs that you can share with young children.

Write a letter to parents explaining your math criteria and invite them to participate. Give them at least two ideas for expanding some of these activities at home.

This assignment is relevant to Essential Objective # 5: Design and experiment with a variety of open-ended learning resources and materials for children including the use of technology.

By midnight Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points.

Week 6 June 30-July 6: Chapter 6 Science
Reading Assignment: Pgs. 185- 212
Discussion Board by Midnight Friday:
After reading the assignment, plan and create a science activity for young children. Some suggestions could include:

• Using the information in this chapter, personal experiences, and/or observation/participation experiences, develop an activity using an animal in a classroom of preschoolers. How would the activity change if planned for a group of toddlers? A class of primary-age children?
• Two different types of nature walks:
a) Take a group of young children on a nature walk (with collection bags they make beforehand) Collect objects while taking your walk. When the children return to the classroom, record on a chart what they saw, heard, touched, and smelled. Then write and illustrate a class story about the walk. Encourage the children’s creativity in completing this activity.
b) You create a nature walk activity and develop a lesson around it. Share your activity in the forum.
• As a teacher, you should teach less and experience more by observing how eagerly the children use their senses to discover, to think about their experiences, and to talk about what they have seen and done. Develop a problem solving activity that teaches the students a process of scientific inquiry that they can adapt to science learning year after year. Share in the forum. There should be a simple 5 step process of inquiry that they can use each and every time.

Write a letter to parents explaining your math criteria and invite them to participate. Give them at least two ideas for expanding some of these activities at home.

This assignment is relevant to Essential Objective # 6: Assess the effectiveness of a curriculum and make appropriate changes to increase learning (e.g. using an ongoing cycle of observation, reflection, and response).

By midnight Sunday: Respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points.

Secondly, I have update the links page - here it is:

Great Links:

Chapter 1 Starting the Process

Additional Related Web Links
1. The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play
2. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
3. Child Development Institute
4. Children’s Defense Fund
5. Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition (CDA)
6. National Association of Family Child Care
7. National Network for Child Care (NNCC)
8. National PTA’s Building Blocks: Importance of Children’s Play
9. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
(In the Search box, type in “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” )

Chapter 2 Creating Curriculum

1. American Montessori Society
2. Culturally Responsive Curriculum:
(Conduct a Web search by typing in “Culturally Responsive Curriculum: ERIC Digest”)
3. Design Share
(In the Search box, type in “Comparing North American Reggio Schools”)
4. National Head Start Association
5. Parents Action for Children
6. Project Approach
7. Understanding Prejudice: Reading Room for Teachers (Click on “Teacher’s Corner”)

Chapter 3 Language and Literacy

1. America Reads
(Click on “Families”; also, click on “Educators,” and then click on “What Educators Can Do”)
2. American Library Association
3. The American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association
(Click on “Public,” click on “Speech, Language, and Swallowing,” and then click on “Speech and Language Development”)
4. Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
5. Early Childhood News
(Click on “Articles” and then click on “Classroom Design”)
6. Early Literacy
7. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
8. KidSource Online
9. Language Development
(Click on “Development,” and then click on “Language Development.” This site has many articles. Make sure to scroll down and click on “Current Research.”)
10. National Center for Family Literacy
11. Starting Out Right
Do an Internet search by typing in “Starting Out Right” and choose the link with the address:
12. Zero to Three
(In “Key Topics,” click on “Early Language and Literacy”)

Chapter 4 Literature

1. Bank Street Children’s Book Committee
2. Best Children’s Books
(Click on “Books and Behavior” and then click on the topic you are interested in)
3. Children’s Book Council
4. Children’s Book Press
5. Dragon Tales
(Click on “Dragon Tales”)
6. Eric Carle Web Site
7. Fairrosa Cyber Library of Children’s Literature
8. Nursery Rhyme
9. Scholastic
10. Understanding Prejudice

Chapter 5 Math

1. Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site: Picturing Math—Patterns and Picture Books:
(Click on “Curriculum Areas,” and then click on “Math: Patterns and Picture Books”)
2. Do Math and You Can Do Anything
3. Gayle’s Preschool Rainbow
(Click on “Rhymes, Songs, and Fingerplays”)
4. Math and Young Children
(Click on “Math and Young Children”)
5. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
6. The National Research Center on the Gifted and the Talented
7. Newton’s
(Click on “If You Hate Math” and then click on “Grades K–2”)
7. Northwest Education
8. Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children
Do a Web search by typing in “Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children”; this is an article about fostering mathematical ability in young children. Several are listed, but pick the one that has the guidelines included at the bottom of the page.
9. Teaching Math to English Language Learners
Do an Internet search by typing in “Teaching Math to English Language Learners Winter 2005”; this is a NorthWest Education Article.
10. Webmath

Chapter 6 Science

1. American Heart Association In the search box, type in “Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Children” and click on the article.
2. Annenberg Math and Science Project – provides resources for educators.
3. Center for Science in the Public Interest In the search box, type in “Guidelines for Responsible
Marketing to Children.”
4. Earth Science Week (October)
5. Learning in Motion
6. National Association for the Education of Young Children
7. National Science Teacher’s Association
8. The Project Approach
9. Space Day (May)

Chapter 7 Social Studies

1. Children’s Museum of Houston
2. Children’s Museum of Manhattan
3. Early Childhood Education Online
4. Kidinfo
5. National Council for the Social Studies
6. National Geographic
7. Social Studies School Services
8. United States Committee for UNICEF United Nation’s Children’s Fund

Chapter 8 Art

1. America for the Arts
2. Arts Education Partnership
3. Bank Street
4. Bright Ideas for Learning
(Click on “Cool Links” or “Fostering Creativity”)
5. EdByDesign
(Click on “Art Ideas” in the Special Needs Corner, then scroll down and click on any of the five media for free ideas for art activities)
6. Global Children’s Art Gallery
7. International Child Art Association
8. The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge
(Under the Teach section, click on “Lessons,” then in the Lessons Quick Search box type in “Let’s Talk About Painting”)
9. KinderArt
10. National Art Education Association (NAEA)
11. Process Art Versus Product
Community Playthings
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then under the Collage logo click on “Art with Children,” and then click on “Caught in the middle of the Process vs Product dilemma? Here’s what it’s all about and a way out.”)
12. VSA Arts

Chapter 9 Sensory Centers

1. Better Kid Care
2. Healthy Child Care
(Scroll down and click on “Search,” then in the Search box type in “woodworking,” and then click on “Can a Woodworking Center be Safe?”) You can also search the Library of Issues for all sorts of information.
3. International Kids’ Space
4. The Mud Center: Recapturing Childhood
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then click on “Dramatic Play,” and then click on “Here in the northeast”)
5. The Ooey Gooey Lady
(Click on “Resources”)
6. PBS TeacherSource
(Under PBS Teachers, Click on “Explore preK-12 education resources and professional development”)
7. Perpetual Preschool—woodworking
(In the Search box, type in “woodworking”)
9. Technology in Early Education
(Under Technology in the Curriculum, click on “Early Connections”)

Chapter 10 Music and Movement

1. About: World Music
You can spend a long time exploring this site. There is a whole host of information in the left-hand menu. Just be careful to separate the information from sales pitches. Also, in the Search box, type in “what is the difference between world music”.)
2. Art Express: The Expressive Arts Project
(Click on “Newsletter” to access previous newsletters for ideas; also click on “Art Express” and then “Music and Movement” and “Drawing to Music”)
3. Best Children’s Music
4. The Children’s Music Network
5. The Children’s Music Web
6. Dr. Thomas Moore
(Click on “Articles,” then click on “If You Teach Children, You Can Sing!”)
7. Early Childhood Music and Movement Association
8. Kididdles:
9. National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE)
(Click on “NASPE”)
10. New Horizons
(Click on “Teaching and Learning Strategies,” then click on “Arts in Education”)
11. Oracle Think Quest
(In the Search box, type in “Music Notes: An Interactive Musical Experience”)
12. PE Central
13. Physical Development
(In the Search box, Type in “whole child”)
14. Scholastic Teacher
(In the Search box, Type in “History of Jazz”)
15. Southern Early Childhood Association—Position Statement on the Arts and Movement
(Click on “Position Statements,” then click on “Arts & Movement Education for Young Children”)

Chapter 11 Puppets

1. Das Puppenspiel
2. Folkmanis Puppets
3. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
(Click on “Search,” then click on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”)
4. Preschool Rainbow
5. Princeton online
(Click on “Community,” then click on “The Arts,” then click on “Incredible Art Department,” then type in “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” in the Google Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” link.)
6. The Puppet Museum
7. Puppet Dream
8. Puppeteers of America
9. Puppetry Theme Page
(Click on “Search,” then type in “Fine Arts,” in the Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry Theme Page” link.)
10. Vietnamese Water Puppetry
11. The World of Puppets:

Chapter 12 Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics

1. Creative Drama Links
2. Games Kids Play
3. International Play Association
4. Pretend Play and Young Children’s Development
5. Scholastic
6. TASP—The Association for the Study of Play
7. Teaching Strategies
8. University of South Carolina Essays in Education
(Click on “Archives,” then click on “Volume 19, Winter 2007,” and then click on “The Importance of Symbolic Play as a Component of the Early Childhood Curriculum.”)

Thirdly I took something I use in other classes and adapted it for this one - what do you think?

How This Course Works
All the course assignments and activities (except for additional outside research) can be accessed through this set of EDU 2045 related Web pages. You will talk with your fellow students and the instructors about a variety of topics through discussion forums posted to the Discussion Board in Communications. Sometimes, you will be communicating directly with your instructor(s) via e-mail. If you're not sure about how to do an assignment, e-mail your instructors. 


As in any CCV course, all your questions about the content of the course should be directed to your instructors, Lynn Silvestro or Suzanne Purcell. Lynn or Suzanne will also help you figure out how you can find resources, how they want you to format your responses, etc. They will want to know where you are having difficulties. Don't forget, they are going to be much more easily accessible online than if you had to wait to see them once a week in class. 

If you have issues or questions about the course or the instruction that you would normally want to discuss with an academic advisor, you should e-mail or call : 

Instructor : 
Lynn Silvestro 
207-693-3393 after 6 pm or Suzanne Purcell, 802-922-0058 after 5 pm. - Lynn - Suzanne

They invite your responses any time. 

If you are having problems using CCV services for this course, contact: or call 1-800-287-4431 

Or, contact Sarah Corrow, Online Administrative Assistant at, 334-4319, 3387. 

If you are having difficulty using your WWW browser or getting access to the Internet, contact your Internet service provider. 

Timing: Scheduling your work over the 12-week term will be a challenge. We want you to have the flexibility of doing the work when you want, but we also realize how tempting it is to put things off until the final weeks. So, we've scheduled a number of assignments, activities, and weekly discussion topics. We recommend that you print out the course materials and keep them nearby as a visual reminder of what you need to do. 

On-line costs: Consider ways that you can reduce these costs over the semester. One sure way is to do your responses to assignments (especially discussion questions) off-line and then up-load them (or attach them) when you are ready to send them. 

Overview of the course work: 

*Reading the text and notes and writing response essays
Writing the final curriculum 

*Weekly participation in the Discussion Board 


If everyone responds (as they should, since it is a requirement of the course), the cumulative effect of this aspect of the course should be a lively discussion on curriculum development topics for Early Childhood Education as good as, or perhaps better than, the best discussion that can happen inside a CCV classroom.

I have also included a writing standards page:

Writing Standards
Writing is one of the central activities through which students learn, communicate, and demonstrate learning. Academic writing differs from other forms of writing in that it usually:
• is appropriately narrow in focus
• presents an argument based on sound critical thinking
• draws upon and properly acknowledges the work of others
• presents new understanding in an organized fashion

Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, all writing in CCV's online classes, from electronic discussion boards, to personal essays, to formal research papers, will be evaluated on the basis of quality, creativity, effectiveness of argumentation and reasoning, and accuracy of information. In addition, academic writing will be evaluated on the selection and use of appropriate supporting material. Any information not original to the student must be cited in a recognized format-for example, APA, MLA, or Chicago-appropriate to the academic discipline.

Use of information or material from outside sources without proper citation is plagiarism and grounds for disciplinary action.

See Academic Honesty in the CCV Catalog, , and in the Student Handbook.

Okay, that's it for now - I'll wait for feedback. When I get going on something I just go full bore - tell me when to slow down. Feel free to change anything I have put here in any way - we can omit stuff or whatever. Besides I had time this morning to do this - I won't have much during the week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Here's Chapter 2 assignment: I have used numbers for each part because I wanted to give the students choice on this one - so I have asked them to respond to two of the following and not all of them as in Chapter 1. Once we get into the disciplines I would format my weekly discussions after yours.

Chapter 2: Creating Curriculum
Reading Assignment: Pgs. 36-82
Discussion Board by midnight on Friday:
After reading the assignment respond to two the following:
1. If curriculum is inclusive, integrated, emergent, child-centered, and child-directed, then what is your responsibility in planning curriculum? Explain your answer in a written format.
2. Observe a preschool, kindergarten, or primary-level classroom. Describe evidence of
inclusive, integrated, or emergent curriculum approaches. If you did not find
evidence of these curricular approaches, can you explain why?
3. In a short paragraph, summarize the history and background of each curriculum
model you were introduced to in your textbook, including identifying significant individuals who were involved in the creation of the model. Can you identify some similarities and differences as you compare them? If you had a choice, which curriculum model would you choose to implement in your own classroom, and why?
4. Do a Web Search by typing in “Help for Parents.”
Find information that you could share with the families of the children in your care. Describe, in writing, why you selected this particular Web site(s). How could your choice(s) be helpful to families and ultimately to children?

This assignments is relevant to Essential Objective # 2: Describe key concepts (goals, objectives, articulation, etc.), data sources (society, subject matter, state and national guidelines, etc.) and specific models of curricular development, along with their rationales and limitations.

By midnight Sunday: respond to at least 3 of your peer’s posts in a substantial way.

Initial post and 3 substantial posts potentially worth 10 points.

Possible Course Description

I know we need to edit this but it's a start:

EDU-2045-VO01 - Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
Location: Online
Credits: 3
Day/Times: Meets online
Semester Dates: 26-May-09 to 17-Aug-09
Instructor: Lynn Silvestro and Suzanne Purcell

Course Description:

In this course, learners develop an understanding of the philosophical principles, societal expectations, and practical demands of building curriculum for early childhood education. Emphasis is on developing a child-centered, integrated, and developmentally appropriate curriculum for the early years from infancy to age 8. A variety of curricular approaches will be modeled and assessed.

Essential Objectives:

1. Discuss the historical influences and evolution of early childhood education as it connects to curriculum development, theories, and practices.
2. Describe key concepts (goals, objectives, articulation, etc.), data sources (society, subject matter, state and national guidelines, etc.) and specific models of curricular development, along with their rationales and limitations.
3. Design a curriculum based on theories and research in child development that is inclusive and based on children's interests, strengths, and needs (e.g. learning style modalities, multiple intelligences, exceptionalities, learning domains, etc.) that incorporates the Vermont Early Childhood Learning Standards.
4. Articulate the definition of play, its importance in curriculum for children, and how children construct their knowledge through play.
5. Design and experiment with a variety of open-ended learning resources and materials for children including the use of technology.
6. Assess the effectiveness of a curriculum and make appropriate changes to increase learning (e.g. using an ongoing cycle of observation, reflection, and response).
7. Reflect on the many roles of the teacher, including teacher as researcher and develop a personal-professional philosophy of education and curriculum.

Textbook: Early Education Curriculum: A Child’s Connection to the World, by Hilda L. Jackman 4th ed. ISBN 1428322469

VELS – can be downloaded from the Vermont Department of Education web site.

Attendance/Discussion Forum Regular attendance and participation in classes are essential components of a student's success in college and are completion requirements for courses at CCV. The forum will be our primary source of information. Sharing ideas, concepts, methods and information will help us all learn from one another as well as to build our own portfolios with great websites, resources and materials. Attendance is through the forum. If you miss a forum you have missed class. Three absences constitute a failure in this class. A pattern of late arrival or early departure will constitute absence at the instructor's discretion. Class will run from Tuesday midnight to Monday midnight, the following week. You have one week to submit your responses and questions to the forum. Please post questions no later than Friday midnight so others will have the opportunity to respond. Your first response to one of our questions must be posted no later than Friday midnight.

Assignments: There are several assignments including a final reflection essay. See the assignments folder and syllabus for descriptions and due dates.

Grading Policy

A few words about grading: It is not our favorite part of teaching. However, it is necessary and gives you an idea of how you are doing throughout the class. We will make every effort to post your grades for the week as soon as possible.

The grading system for this course is based on a scale of 10. You can earn as many as 10 points for each week’s assignments, which include posts, submission of assigned projects, essays, and responses. The final project is worth 25 points
The total number of points you can earn for the course is 165. This means the grading for the semester looks like this:

148 – 165 points = A
132 – 147 points = B
116 – 131 points = C
99 – 115 points = D

At Midterm: (maximum points available: 70)
63 – 70 points = A
56 – 62 points = B
49 – 55 points = C
42 – 48 points = D

8-10 points = Excellent posts which include information from the reading assignments and critical thinking on your part. Responses are spread throughout the week and indicate that you have not only read the assigned reading, but your peers’ posts as well.

7 points = Several posts which include some references to the reading material, and more than two responses which are posted at different times.

5-6 points = A post which addresses the question in a very general way, and one or two responses that are written at the same time. Blackboard tracks posting times, so it is evident when you have spent 15 minutes on your posts for the week. Even though you may in fact be reading every post all week, I have no way of knowing this if you do not interact with your peers.

An absence is indicated by a grade of 0 for the week.

As the above criteria indicates, we are looking for meaningful synthesis of the reading material, quality interactions spread over the course of the week, and “critical thinking” on your part. Critical thinking is indicated by your opinion on the topic, and why you feel the way you do.

Please note: In order to receive accommodations for disabilities in this course, students must make an appointment to see the Americans with Disabilities Coordinator in their site and bring documentation with them.

Academic Honesty: CCV has a commitment to honesty and excellence in academic work and expects the same from all students. Academic dishonesty, or cheating, can occur whenever you present -as your own work- something that you did not do. You can also be guilty of cheating if you help someone else cheat. Being unaware of what constitutes academic dishonesty (such as knowing what plagiarism is) does not absolve a student of the responsibility to be honest in his/her academic work. Academic dishonesty is taken very seriously and may lead to dismissal from the College.

Course description details subject to change. Please refer to this document frequently.

Hi Suzanne!
I am back with links for every chapter but chapter 6 - science. I need to work on that one but can have it done by our next meeting. Here's what it looks like:

Great Links:

Chapter 1

Additional Related Web Links
1. The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play
2. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
3. Child Development Institute
4. Children’s Defense Fund
5. Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition (CDA)
6. National Association of Family Child Care
7. National Network for Child Care (NNCC)
8. National PTA’s Building Blocks: Importance of Children’s Play
9. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
(In the Search box, type in “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” )

Chapter 2

1. American Montessori Society
2. Culturally Responsive Curriculum:
(Conduct a Web search by typing in “Culturally Responsive Curriculum: ERIC Digest”)
3. Design Share
(In the Search box, type in “Comparing North American Reggio Schools”)
4. National Head Start Association
5. Parents Action for Children
6. Project Approach
7. Understanding Prejudice: Reading Room for Teachers (Click on “Teacher’s Corner”)
Chapter 3

1. America Reads
(Click on “Families”; also, click on “Educators,” and then click on “What Educators Can Do”)
2. American Library Association
3. The American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association
(Click on “Public,” click on “Speech, Language, and Swallowing,” and then click on “Speech and Language Development”)
4. Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
5. Early Childhood News
(Click on “Articles” and then click on “Classroom Design”)
6. Early Literacy
7. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
8. KidSource Online
9. Language Development
(Click on “Development,” and then click on “Language Development.” This site has many articles. Make sure to scroll down and click on “Current Research.”)
10. National Center for Family Literacy
11. Starting Out Right
Do an Internet search by typing in “Starting Out Right” and choose the link with the address:
12. Zero to Three
(In “Key Topics,” click on “Early Language and Literacy”)

Chapter 4

1. Bank Street Children’s Book Committee
2. Best Children’s Books
(Click on “Books and Behavior” and then click on the topic you are interested in)
3. Children’s Book Council
4. Children’s Book Press
5. Dragon Tales
(Click on “Dragon Tales”)
6. Eric Carle Web Site
7. Fairrosa Cyber Library of Children’s Literature
8. Nursery Rhyme
9. Scholastic
10. Understanding Prejudice

Chapter 5

1. Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site: Picturing Math—Patterns and Picture Books:
(Click on “Curriculum Areas,” and then click on “Math: Patterns and Picture Books”)
2. Do Math and You Can Do Anything
3. Gayle’s Preschool Rainbow
(Click on “Rhymes, Songs, and Fingerplays”)
4. Math and Young Children
(Click on “Math and Young Children”)
5. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
6. The National Research Center on the Gifted and the Talented
7. Newton’s
(Click on “If You Hate Math” and then click on “Grades K–2”)
7. Northwest Education
8. Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children
Do a Web search by typing in “Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children”; this is an article about fostering mathematical ability in young children. Several are listed, but pick the one that has the guidelines included at the bottom of the page.
9. Teaching Math to English Language Learners
Do an Internet search by typing in “Teaching Math to English Language Learners Winter 2005”; this is a NorthWest Education Article.
10. Webmath

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

1. Children’s Museum of Houston
2. Children’s Museum of Manhattan
3. Early Childhood Education Online
4. Kidinfo
5. National Council for the Social Studies
6. National Geographic
7. Social Studies School Services
8. United States Committee for UNICEF United Nation’s Children’s Fund

Chapter 8

1. America for the Arts
2. Arts Education Partnership
3. Bank Street
4. Bright Ideas for Learning
(Click on “Cool Links” or “Fostering Creativity”)
5. EdByDesign
(Click on “Art Ideas” in the Special Needs Corner, then scroll down and click on any of the five media for free ideas for art activities)
6. Global Children’s Art Gallery
7. International Child Art Association
8. The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge
(Under the Teach section, click on “Lessons,” then in the Lessons Quick Search box type in “Let’s Talk About Painting”)
9. KinderArt
10. National Art Education Association (NAEA)
11. Process Art Versus Product
Community Playthings
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then under the Collage logo click on “Art with Children,” and then click on “Caught in the middle of the Process vs Product dilemma? Here’s what it’s all about and a way out.”)
12. VSA Arts

Chapter 9

1. Better Kid Care
2. Healthy Child Care
(Scroll down and click on “Search,” then in the Search box type in “woodworking,” and then click on “Can a Woodworking Center be Safe?”) You can also search the Library of Issues for all sorts of information.
3. International Kids’ Space
4. The Mud Center: Recapturing Childhood
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then click on “Dramatic Play,” and then click on “Here in the northeast”)
5. The Ooey Gooey Lady
(Click on “Resources”)
6. PBS TeacherSource
(Under PBS Teachers, Click on “Explore preK-12 education resources and professional development”)
7. Perpetual Preschool—woodworking
(In the Search box, type in “woodworking”)
9. Technology in Early Education
(Under Technology in the Curriculum, click on “Early Connections”)

Chapter 10

1. About: World Music
You can spend a long time exploring this site. There is a whole host of information in the left-hand menu. Just be careful to separate the information from sales pitches. Also, in the Search box, type in “what is the difference between world music”.)
2. Art Express: The Expressive Arts Project
(Click on “Newsletter” to access previous newsletters for ideas; also click on “Art Express” and then “Music and Movement” and “Drawing to Music”)
3. Best Children’s Music
4. The Children’s Music Network
5. The Children’s Music Web
6. Dr. Thomas Moore
(Click on “Articles,” then click on “If You Teach Children, You Can Sing!”)
7. Early Childhood Music and Movement Association
8. Kididdles:
9. National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE)
(Click on “NASPE”)
10. New Horizons
(Click on “Teaching and Learning Strategies,” then click on “Arts in Education”)
11. Oracle Think Quest
(In the Search box, type in “Music Notes: An Interactive Musical Experience”)
12. PE Central
13. Physical Development
(In the Search box, Type in “whole child”)
14. Scholastic Teacher
(In the Search box, Type in “History of Jazz”)
15. Southern Early Childhood Association—Position Statement on the Arts and Movement
(Click on “Position Statements,” then click on “Arts & Movement Education for Young Children”)

Chapter 11

1. Das Puppenspiel
2. Folkmanis Puppets
3. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
(Click on “Search,” then click on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”)
4. Preschool Rainbow
5. Princeton online
(Click on “Community,” then click on “The Arts,” then click on “Incredible Art Department,” then type in “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” in the Google Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” link.)
6. The Puppet Museum
7. Puppet Dream
8. Puppeteers of America
9. Puppetry Theme Page
(Click on “Search,” then type in “Fine Arts,” in the Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry Theme Page” link.)
10. Vietnamese Water Puppetry
11. The World of Puppets:

Chapter 12

1. Creative Drama Links
2. Games Kids Play
3. International Play Association
4. Pretend Play and Young Children’s Development
5. Scholastic
6. TASP—The Association for the Study of Play
7. Teaching Strategies
8. University of South Carolina Essays in Education
(Click on “Archives,” then click on “Volume 19, Winter 2007,” and then click on “The Importance of Symbolic Play as a Component of the Early Childhood Curriculum.”)